Wellbeing is the absence of disease or illness. It’s a combination of our physical, mental, emotional and social health factors. Wellbeing is linked to happiness and life satisfaction. In short, wellbeing could be described as how you feel about yourself and your life. Made Better human can provide consulting services in wellbeing and has a suite of learning programs that support personal resilience and support ourselves through the many transitions of life.

The Inspire Series supports individuals, couples, groups, and teams through transitional phases of life.

Some of the common key moments of transition are:

·      Progressing from being students and starting work

·      Working out what we want to do – career transitions and selecting a career (young adults)

·      Moving through a situational crisis like a relationship break-up or a relocation or recovering from an illness/injury

·      Learning to live with grief after the loss of loved one

·      Becoming a carer for a loved-one

·      Finding a sense of peace with complex emotions like ambiguous loss

·      Navigating our way through mid-life (middlescence) transitions

·      Coping with multiples changes happening simultaneously

These Inspire Series learning programs have been designed by a narrative practitioner and have been created as part of our Inspire Series. They are focused on the stories we tell ourselves about our life and our identity as we move through the many experiences of life. There are times, when some support and guidance can assist us in finding new meaning or recognising that it is time to let go of less useful patterns. Each of these modules will introduce you to pathways towards preferred stories that can transform your life.

Click on the titles below to learn more about our programs in the Inspire Series:

·      Developing Transitional Agility

·      Your Evolving Identity

·      Your Heroic Journey

·      Your Story of Change