Mind the Gap

Mind the Gap

In our lives there are a suite of master narratives. These can be dominant and widely accepted versions of events or a story that shapes and influences our understanding of things and our perception of reality. Gender, age, nationality, race, religion, education, social class – these are all examples of master narratives that surround us. 

The 4 Benefits Gained from Deconstructing Stories

The 4 Benefits Gained from Deconstructing Stories

By deconstructing problem saturated stories, we can start to see how we have internalised messages and meanings about ourselves that simply may not be true. Recognising how a problem story is impacting our life and restraining our potential can open up an awareness of where the problem story is less dominant and what is made possible when we bring our attention to other parts of our character and behaviour that contradicts the problem story. 

I’m the Problem; It’s Me!

I’m the Problem; It’s Me!

As we move through life, we may pick up messages about our differences. We can become aware of dreams and wishes we feel excluded from having and we may come to conclusions that we are not good enough to have or enjoy some of the offerings of life. We arrive at a decision that there must be some sort of problem with us. Many times, we then pay attention to situations, comments and interactions that validate this assumption that we are the problem. 

The 3 Dominant Problem Stories

The 3 Dominant Problem Stories

For all of us, problems can visit our lives at any time. There are times when we might feel as though our problems over-stay their welcome and, like unruly house guests, they can invite more of their problem friends to crash into our lives. Some problems move in alongside us and can travel with us for decades. This is one of the problems with problem stories! Some problems pop up and move on in relatively short bursts of time. Regardless, none of us is immune to problems.  When I work with individuals and teams, I notice that problems stories can fall into a few dominant themes.